Sunday 16 October 2011

Vitamins That Make Your Hair Grow

Hair is everyone's crowning glory. Whether you're aware of it or not, your hair is one of the first things that people notice about you. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with a full head of hair that lasts a long time. People notice when your hair is thinning and if you've noticed it too, it can be very disappointing. No matter how pretty or handsome you are, when something's wrong with your hair, people notice that more and that could take a real toll on your self-confidence. Fortunately, a lot of the cases concerning baldness are not permanent, simply requiring a good boost from vitamins that make your hair regrow. Much like other parts of the body, your hair also needs to be nourished to be at their best. Taking vitamins that make your hair grow then is one effective way of stimulating hair growth and ensuring that whatever growth happens lasts for a long time.
Believe it or not, the kinds of food you eat--specifically, the nutrients your body gets--affect how fast your hair grows. If you want to maximize the growing potential of your crowning glory, you need to start focusing attention on what goes into your mouth.
Food rich in vitamin E, C, B6, B5, B3, and A is essential in promoting hair growth. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that not only makes your skin glows, but also improves your scalp's circulation, which in turn stimulates faster hair growth. Vitamin C, also an antioxidant, helps in maintaining the overall health of your hair. Vitamin B6 has a part in the creation of melanin, which is responsible for giving your hair its vibrant color. Vitamin B5 helps prevent premature graying of your hair. Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, is like vitamin E because it also helps in improving the blood circulation at your scalp. Vitamin A assists in the production of natural oils to prevent your scalp from drying.
You can find vitamin E in vegetables with dark green leaves, vegetable oils, and raw nuts. Vitamin C can be found in citrus and juicy fruits such as oranges and lemon. Not into citrus fruits? Berries, strawberries in particular, make for a very good alternative source of vitamin C. You can get your share of vitamin B6 from cereals, eggs, and beans. Vitamin B5 can also be found in most sources of vitamin B6. Vitamin B3, on the other hand, can be obtained from fish and white meat such as chicken and turkey. Vitamin A, of course, is known to come from carrots, but peaches and apricots are excellent sources, too.
Your best bet in getting all the vitamins that make your hair regrow is ensuring that you get all the vitamins that make your body grow. After all, you need vitamins in general to stay in the pink of health. Aim to stay healthy then by loading up on fruits and vegetables and taking vitamin supplements and products will increase the likelihood that you are getting all the needed vitamins that make your hair grow.

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