Saturday 29 October 2011

The Proper Use of Antibiotics

The word antibiotic means "against life" and these medications are intended to be used to get rid of the bacterial form of life. Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses.
The proper way to ensure that the bacteria is totally eliminated is summarized here:
1. Take your temperature before your first dose of antibiotic. Get a piece of paper or notebook to track the date, time and temperature.
2. Take your temperature again 1 hour and 6 hours after your first dose. Write these down.
3. Take your temperature again 1 hour after each dose and write these readings down (again with date, time and temperature.)
3. If after 24 hours your temperature has not dropped to 97ï‚°F or below, call us and let your prescribing doctor know. Your antibiotic will need to either be changed or the dosage increased depending on what your temperature has been doing.
4. Be sure that you continue to track your temperature. You will continue on the antibiotic until your temperature comes back up to normal (near 98.6ï‚°F) even though you are continuing the antibiotic.
5. You may need a refill on the antibiotic if the temperature is still low and you have run out of the prescription.

1. Stomach upset. This can be caused because the antibiotic is killing off the good bacteria in the digestive tract along with the "bad" bacteria. The solution for this is to put the good bacteria back into your intestines by eating yogurt with live probiotic cultures. Probiotic means "supporting life." Probiotics are also available in liquid, capsule or pill form. These may also go by the name of "acidophilus" or other culture name. Continue to take these for a few weeks after you have finished your antibiotics.
2. Persistent upset stomach, despite taking probiotics, is handled by taking B2 capsules. One capsule with each meal.
3. Sore gums. This is handled by taking 1000 mg Vitamin C twice a day until the symptoms go away.

4. Depression, nightmares, lethargy. This is handled by taking 100 to 500 mg B1 twice a day, depending on severity of symptoms. Stop taking the B1 once the symptoms subside.
5. Avoid dairy products that have hormones (use organic milk and cheese only) and meat or poultry that has been given hormones or antibiotics. These can make the side effects of your medication worse. Eat organically raised animal products or "free range" animal products.

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