Monday 10 October 2011

Low cholesterol foods naturally

High cholesterol is in fact the most common cause of chronic disease and is particularly related to cardiovascular diseases.Before going any further it must be stated cholesterol is not all that bad and some cholesterol is needed in the system for good health. The "low" in low cholesterol really means an absence of bad or ldl cholesterol. Ldl means low-density lipoproteins. This substance has to be absorbed by certain foods or flushed out of the system so hence the reason for low cholesterol foods which can carry out this function.
To achieve success in the battle for lower cholesterol, you not only have to change what you eat, you must also change your lifestyle. Changing what you eat means eliminating foods that are high in saturated fats and trans-fats. Saturated fats and trans-fats are substances full of high cholesterol.
Eating cholesterol lowering foods is very simple. Just consume those that are provided by Nature and you would be spot on. These foods are the common fruits and vegetables, whole grains, ground nuts, peas, beans and ground provisions.Fruits are good sources of fiber, vitamins and carbohydrates. The vitamin C in fruit make the arterial walls of the blood vessels strong. Vegetables are also good sources of fiber, minerals and vitamins and they also have the ability to mop up or absorb and eliminate bad cholesterol from the system. Whole grains also mop up and absorb bad cholesterol as well as provide significant vitamins and minerals for the body.There are some naturally foods that low the cholesterol.
1) Just a half tablespoon of cinnamon has been found to be lower LDL cholesterol.
2) Almonds are great way to lower cholesterol that are rich in vitamin E as well. 
3) Decrease your intake of processed animal fats which include dairy products - butter, cheese and cream. These are also high in saturated fats and trans-fats.

4) Increase your intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as almonds, pistachios, walnuts and fish such as tuna, mackerel, salmon and herring.

5) Finally a more active lifestyle including a daily exercise program as well as the elimination of smoking and excessive alcoholic consumption is necessary.

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