Sunday 23 October 2011

Homemade Vegetable Juice

Many people do not make homemade vegetable juice. There are tons of reasons that you should start making homemade vegetable juice. You have more control over the ingredients of homemade vegetable juice. Your body will absorb more nutrients when you make your own. You can create unique combinations of juice. You can support local organic farmers. Making your own juice is very beneficial to your health as well.
You can purchase many types of juices at the store, but what is actually in these juices. How long have they been sitting on the shelf? How many nutrients are left after the pasteurization process? If you are drinking store bought juice, these are some things to consider. When you create vegetable juice at home, you have quality control. You select the vegetables. You can choose to purchase them straight from the farmers market so as to ensure freshness. You won't be pasteurizing them and killing off half the nutrients. The quality of your own juice is much higher.
You will absorb more nutrients from homemade juice. This is mostly because as time goes on the nutrient value diminishes. When you make juice in your own home, you usually want to drink it right away. At least, I usually drink it immediately. I am pretty anxious to taste my latest concoctions.
Creating your own unique combinations of juice is a rewarding thing to do. Some people discover that they dislike straight carrot juice, but jazzing it up with a little ginger and lemon makes it much more interesting. Green juices are quite challenging because the flavor of spinach, kale and parsley is quite bitter and seemingly unpalatable. You need to get a little creative and add an apple or lemon to make green juices tasty. Finding your perfect combination is a challenge, but can prove quite rewarding.

When you make your own vegetable juice at home with the produce from local farmers, you cut down on the environmental pollution. The vegetables come to you faster because they are local therefore losing less nutrition in transit time. Supporting organic practices is important as it supports the environment and the sustainability of farms.
Drinking fresh homemade vegetable juice is beneficial to your health because the micronutrients are quickly absorbed into your system. How often are you getting the recommended five fruits and vegetables everyday? A multivitamin is not an ideal supplement. Juicing is a much better option because your body doesn't have to break down the fillers that hold the vitamins together. In fact, vegetable juices are absorbed by the body within twenty minutes of consumption. It is a great way to boost your nutrition.

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